Take advantage of my need to build a professional portfolio. Perhaps your need is a baby session, a Christmas card photo, or back to school?
Consider booking a 45 minute session for up to 4 people for the special session price of $39*. You will receive approximately 15 edited shots in high resolution digital format.
As someone just starting off in the photography business, and having a husband who is just finishing up school frugality is an important word around here.
Enter this giveaway over at frugalhacks.com... http://frugalhacks.com/2010/08/30/giveaway-the-tightwad-gazette/
So I shot a wedding. I know I said I wasn't loving it, but I think it needed time to sink in. Like sunscreen...you can't spray it on and jump in the water right away. Well you can't always form opinions about whether you are totally positively never going to do something ever again! Except sometimes...like eggplant. I know without a doubt I'll never eat eggplant again.
Anyways, I am not totally adverse to the thought of capturing another love filled day again. Depends on the client also...casual, intimate, easy-peasy bride that is totally go with the flow? In a second! 300 guests at the Hotel Vancouver with bridezilla*...my stomach flipped at the thought!
*(Not to imply that all brides with 300 guests or fancy weddings are angry or lizard-like)
So what do you do as an aspiring portraitist? Gift people sessions of course! That is what my dear sister received last year for her birthday. It helps that she has 2 sweet girls that are total hams for the camera, and absolutely used to Auntie pointing it at them.
Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
So I know what that verse actually means in context...that if I set my sight on the Lord and make him the center of my life he will bless me more in ways than I can imagine.What does that look like in real life? It looks like God giving me the talent to make beautiful memories through pictures. It is having the camera I need to take things to the next level. The love of a husband that tells me I am more than good at what I do and is lovingly pushing me forward.
So here I go! I was honored to have the opportunity to photograph a friend's daughters wedding last month. Sometimes you need to do the uncomfortable to realize what the thing you should be doing is. The day went smoothly; the bride was beautiful; the weather was perfectly overcast...but I didn't love it. I love babies and children and families. The spontaneous and goofy moments that can't be planned.